You need at least 1,000 $VPND tokens
Yes, it depends on your tier.
Nodes < 5,000: 10% tax (9% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
Nodes 5,000-49,999: 11% tax (10% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
Nodes 50,000-499,999: 12% tax (11% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
Nodes >499,999: 13% tax (12% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
AVAX from your wallet-equivalent to the value of your claim tax depending on your amount of rewards-is deducted from your wallet as well as 1% of the VPND in your pending rewards.
The large market cap is because 95% of $VPND tokens are locked into the Rewards Pool, which is our initial runway.
1% daily on your node amount.
No, compounding does not lose Diamond hand status
Yes, you must compound or claim all pending rewards before depositing into a node. VPND
Each node has a box on the left hand side you must select.
It depends on the size of your nodes.
For nodes up to 50,000 VPND:
DH Tier 1 20 days - 1.05% APR
DH Tier 2 30 days - 1.10% APR
DH Tier 3 40 days - 1.30% APR
For nodes 50,000-499,999 VPND:
DH Tier 1 20 days - 1.05% APR
DH Tier 2 30 days - 1.10% APR
For nodes 500,000 VPND+
DH Tier 1 20 days- 1.05% APR
Yes, it depends on the size of your node
Nodes 1,000-4,999 VPND: 1.20%
Nodes 5,000-9,999 VPND: 1.10%
Nodes 10,000-19,999 VPND: 1.05%
Yes, it depends on the size of your nodes.
Nodes < 5,000. 5% tax (paid in VPND, 2% burned, 3% to rewards pool)
Nodes 5,000-49,000. 7% tax (2% burned, 5% to rewards pool)
Nodes 50,000-499,999. 9% tax (2% burned, 7% to rewards pool)
Nodes >499,999. 12% tax (2% burned, 10% to rewards pool)
84% goes to rewards pool, 8% VPND/AVAX LP, 8% Team Pool and Operational Budget
YES for 420 days from 12/23/21