
How many $VPND do you need to create a Node?

You need at least 1,000 $VPND tokens

Is there a claim fee?

Yes, it depends on your tier.
Nodes < 5,000: 10% tax (9% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
Nodes 5,000-49,999: 11% tax (10% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
Nodes 50,000-499,999: 12% tax (11% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)
Nodes >499,999: 13% tax (12% paid in AVAX, 1% in VPND which is burned)

How do I pay my claim fee?

AVAX from your wallet-equivalent to the value of your claim tax depending on your amount of rewards-is deducted from your wallet as well as 1% of the VPND in your pending rewards.

Contract Address


How is the market cap determined?

The large market cap is because 95% of $VPND tokens are locked into the Rewards Pool, which is our initial runway.

What are the rewards for each node per day?

1% daily on your node amount.

Does compounding count as a claim and mess up your diamond hand percentage?

No, compounding does not lose Diamond hand status

Will depositing VPND into my node affect my pending rewards?

Yes, you must compound or claim all pending rewards before depositing into a node.

What is the total supply? VPND

How do I claim or compound my node?

Each node has a box on the left hand side you must select.

What are the diamond hand rewards?

It depends on the size of your nodes.

For nodes up to 50,000 VPND:
DH Tier 1 20 days - 1.05% APR
DH Tier 2 30 days - 1.10% APR
DH Tier 3 40 days - 1.30% APR

For nodes 50,000-499,999 VPND:
DH Tier 1 20 days - 1.05% APR
DH Tier 2 30 days - 1.10% APR

For nodes 500,000 VPND+
DH Tier 1 20 days- 1.05% APR

Is there a compound bonus for smaller nodes?

Yes, it depends on the size of your node
Nodes 1,000-4,999 VPND: 1.20%
Nodes 5,000-9,999 VPND: 1.10%
Nodes 10,000-19,999 VPND: 1.05%

Is there a compound tax?

Yes, it depends on the size of your nodes.
Nodes < 5,000. 5% tax (paid in VPND, 2% burned, 3% to rewards pool)
Nodes 5,000-49,000. 7% tax (2% burned, 5% to rewards pool)
Nodes 50,000-499,999. 9% tax (2% burned, 7% to rewards pool)
Nodes >499,999. 12% tax (2% burned, 10% to rewards pool)

Where does the VPND used to create new nodes go?

84% goes to rewards pool, 8% VPND/AVAX LP, 8% Team Pool and Operational Budget

Is the LP locked?

YES for 420 days from 12/23/21